22, 2007 "Metal Slug Complete ") Sony PS2 (may.31, 2007 "Metal Slug Complete ") Nintendo Wii Dec. Metal Slug X - Super Vehicle-001 (1999, MVS).Metal Slug 2 - Super Vehicle-001/II (1998, MVS).Metal Slug - Super Vehicle-001 (1996, MVS).Ralf and Clark first appeared in "Ikari Warriors" even before King of Fighters. Then, it was released on February 22, 2006. TRIVIA Metal Slug 6 was firstly shown at the 43rd Amusement Machine Show 2005 in Tokyo, Japan. 16,770,000 (24bits) Polygons: 2.5 Million polys/sec Rendering Speed: 500 M pixel/sec Additional Features: Bump Mapping, Fog, Alpha-Bending (transparency), Mip Mapping (polygon-texture auto switch), Tri-Linear Filtering, Anti-Aliasing, Environment Mapping, and Specular Effect. Plus, two new player control buttons have been added to allow for greater control over the action! TECHNICAL Sammy Atomiswave Hardware CPU: Hitachi SH-4 32-bit RISC CPU (200 MHz 360 MIPS / 1.4 GFLOPS) Graphic Engine: PowerVR 2 (PVR2DC) Sound Engine: ARM7 Yamaha AICA 45 MHZ (with internal 32-bit RISC CPU, 64 channel ADPCM) Main Ram: 32 megs Main Memory: 16 MByte Graphic Memory: 16 MByte Sound Memory: 8 MByte Media: ROM Board Simultaneous Number of Colors: Approx.

Metal Slug 6 includes 6 characters, with two new being Ralph and Clark from the King of Fighters series. It is the first installment of the series developed on Sega's arcade hardware system.
#Metal slug 6 for mame archive
Metal Slug 6 is a 1 or 2 player game with continuous buy-in. Addeddate 15:12:59 Identifier metal-slug-6-PS2 Scanner Internet Archive HTML5 Uploader 1.6.4. Negotiations have broken off and hostages have been taken! Your country needs a highly trained mercenary to neutralize the enemy and free the hostages. Arcade Video game published 16 years ago: Metal Slug 6 © 2006 SNK Playmore.