Season 1 The Big Problem/Power Mad! Wanda: You can't spell "Vicky" without "icky". 7.8 Spellementary School/Operation Dinkleberg.6.1 Vicky gets Fired!/Chindred Spirits.5.20 The Jimmy Timmy Power Hour 3: The Jerkinators!.5.18 Timmy the Barbarian!/No Substitute for Crazy!.5.17 The Jimmy Timmy Power Hour 2: When Nerds Collide!.5.15 Something's Fishy!/Presto Change-O.5.13 Oh, Brother!/What's the Difference?.5.10 The Masked Magician/The Big Bash.5.8 Hassle in the Castle/Remy Rides Again.5.6 Escape from Unwish Island/The Gland Plan.5.5 Timmy's 2-D House of Horror/It's a Wishful Life.5.4 Blondas Have More Fun!/Five Days of F.L.A.R.G.5.3 Go Young, West Man!/Birthday Wish!.4.16 Catman Meets the Crimson Chin/Genie Meanie Minie Moe.4.14 Truth or Cosmoquences/Beach Bummed!.4.13 A New Squid in Town!/Wish Fixers.4.11 Fairy Friends & Neighbors!/Just the Two of Us!.3.17 Chip off the Old Chip/Snow Bound.3.13 Kung Timmy/Which Witch is Which?.3.12 The Secret Origin of Denzel Crocker!.3.10 Most Wanted Wish/This is Your Wish.3.9 The Crimson Chin Meets Mighty Mom & Dyno Dad!/Engine Blocked.3.3 MicroPhony / So Totally Spaced Out.2.10 Fairly Fairly Quite Contrary/Nectar of the Odds.2.9 Mighty Mom and Dyno Dad/Knighty Knight.2.8 Totally Spaced Out/The Switch Glitch.2.7 Foul Balled/The Boy Who Would Be Queen.2.1.1 Christmas song from "Christmas Every Day".